-Botanical Name: Anthemis nobilis LMain Constituents:Amyl butyrate: 14.3%butyl angelate: 21.0%Plant Part: FlowersOrigin: United KingdomProcessing Method: Steam DistilledDescription / Color / Consistency: A thin light bluish to yellow liquid.Aromatic Summary / Note / Strength of Aroma: A strong middle note, Roman Chamomile has a fragrance like apples and sweet straw, and is considered the finest smelling of all chamomiles.Blends With: Bergamot, Clary Sage, Lavender, Geranium, Jasmine, Neroli, Patchouli, Tea Tree, Rose, Lemon and Ylang-ylang.Product Abstract: This chamomile grows extensively in central and eastern Europe, and is in the daisy family, growing to 30 cm high with lacey leaves and small white daisy-like flowers. The word 'chamomile' comes from the Greek word chamomaela or ground apple, referring to the fact that the plant grows low to the ground, and the fresh blooms have a pleasing apple-scent. In use for centuries, chamomile was a symbol of the omnipotence of the Egyptian god, Ra; to the Saxons it was one of nine sacred herbs; and in Europe during the Middle Ages it was used as a strewing herb.Cautions: Dilute before use; for external use only. May cause skin irritation in some individuals, and should be avoided by those allergic to ragweed; a skin test is recommended prior to use. Contact with eyes should be avoided.- The Highest Grade of Oils Are Certified Organic Essential Oils These oils are the highest grade of essential oils with the greatest beneficial properties. They are free of pesticides and chemicals and are third-party certified for purity. We buy by the pound and bottle our selves so have no fancy label or pyramid party plan cost. New to aromatherapy or just want to try essential oils? Your search is over! The Highest Grade of Oils Are Certified Organic Essential Oils These oils are the highest grade of essential oils with the greatest beneficial properties. They are free of pesticides and chemicals and are third-party certified for purity. Do not use on skin! full strength. For skin use 25% carrier with essential oil carrier like Fractionated Coconut Oil, grape seed, apricot sweet almond, hemp. "not for skin unless diluted with another essential oi or tested in small area first" Please note external use only unless advised by a highly skilled physician. We are not Physicians so we say for external use only. SAVE BUY PURCHASING Larger quantity's. Please note external use only unless advised by a highly skilled physician or herbalist We are not Physicians so we can only pass on what is known or documented by others ( refer to our product information section to better understand). Certified Organics: This Organic Oil is NOP Certified. The National Organic Program develops, implements, and administers national production, handling, and labeling standards for organic agricultural products. The QAI also accredits the certifying agents (foreign and domestic) who inspect organic production and handling operations to certify that they meet USDA standards.
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