Himalayan Salt lamps and Candle Holders

Himalayan Salt lamps and candle holders are made of natural crystal salt rock which when lit, provides a welcome and comforting pink orange glow, not dissimilar from a glowing coal from a fire. It is the ideal decorative lamp, which complements any home decor. Just as we’re aware of the importance of clean air and water, we also need to consider the quality of light that surrounds us and informs our mood and sense of well being,that too is important. After a day at the office, where one is subjected to white lights and the glare of the computer screen, it is restorative to come home to a warm and comforting light. It helps explain how the lamps went from a niche item in a health food store, to being a mainstream basic lamp in millions of people’s home. Health Benefits of Natural Salt lamps:Natural salt lamps not only emit a beautiful glow, but negative ions as well. One lamp can increase the rate of negative ions by 600 percent. Why is this important? Negative ions are used to treat illness and improve health by restoring air quality and neutralizing positive ions, which flood our house and are produced by electronic devices and appliances. Positive ions lower our energy levels, making us feel tired and sluggish, and negative ions produced by these salt lamps are a soothing remedy for this.
